If you have a voice problem, throat problem or lost your voice, or unable to to speak, or do not want to speak so this application is for you. This speak for me app will speak for you.
You can write your text that you want to say, and this app will speak for you. Speak For Me - Text to Speech Free App is really essential for them who has voice problem.
Speak For Me App Contains:
- Multi line text input
- User friendly
- Works offline
- Quick words collection
- Pause option
Speak For Me - Text to Speech app uses TTS engine that your phone already have. This is not a voice changing app. You can use it to know exact pronunciation of a words or sentence.
你可以写下你想说的文字,这个应用程序会为你说话。为我说话 - 文本到语音免费应用程序对于有语音问题的人来说非常重要。
- 多行文本输入
- 方便使用的
- 离线工作
- 快速收集文字
- 暂停选项
为我说话 - 文字转语音应用程序使用手机已有的TTS引擎。这不是一个改变语音的应用程序。您可以使用它来了解单词或句子的确切发音。